I’ve really been impressed this year with how much mainstream brands are stepping outside the box and offering more unique polishes. In order to really grab the hard core polish enthusiasts they need to offer more than just cremes, and most mainstreams are really stepping up to the plate. Except one really, but we won’t talk about that. Ha! But let’s get right into the Orly Mulholland collection!

Orly Mansion Lane
Mansion Lane is a medium greige creme with a fantastic formula! I really love this shade. 2 coats with glossy top coat.
Orly Hillside Hideout
Hillside Hideout is a medium mauve pink with contrasting gold shimmer. This is 2 medium coats with glossy top coat.
Orly Million Dollar Views
Million Dollar Views is a bronze copper gold with gold and copper glitters. It’s definitely a favorite for me. Shown here in 2 coats with glossy top coat.
Orly Party in the Hills
Party in the Hills is a gold and black microglitter in a clear jelly base. I feel like it has a subtle pink shimmer but I could be imagining that.
Orly Meet me at Mulholland
Meet me at Mulholland is a sheer grey base with copper and gold flakes and a subtle pink shimmer. I used 3 coats and still have a slight VNL, so this could also be used as a topper.
Orly Cahuenga Pass
Cahuenga Pass is a tomato red jelly, and it’s oh so shiny and squishy! 3 coats with glossy top coat.
I really like what Orly did with this collection. A nice selection of colors, with a variety of finishes. My personal favorites are Mansion Lane, Million Dollar Views, and Cahuenga Pass.
Orly: Website ~ Facebook ~ Instagram
Until next time, stay polished!