I love nail art, it’s a wonderful creative outlet for me. I haven’t been able to do much over the last few months, but I had a short lull in swatching last week and found some time for a little art!

It’s no secret that I love stamping, and stamping over thermals is a perfect way to create a more complex look with little effort. But that can be our secret!
For this mani I started with 3 coats of Parrot Polish Black Magic. It’s a grey to black thermal with some holo dust.
For my stamping I used MoYou London Fashionista plate #11.
Notice how I got a little off on my stamping here? The inner ring is off but the outer ring is still lined up perfectly. I don’t know how I managed to do that but I bet I can’t do it again!
Parrot Polish does have a lot of great thermal color combinations. The last couple times I used this polish, as well as a couple other Parrot Polishes, I experienced a lot of bubbling. Since I so rarely get any bubbling at all I took notice. Clearly I didn’t have bubbling this time, so I can’t say what the issue might be but I felt it had to be mentioned nonetheless. This has been reported to the maker.
I hope you liked today’s mani!
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Until next time, stay polished!