Beauty Big Bang Chameleon Flakes (12A)
I have been wanting to try some loose chameleon flakes for a while now so when Beauty Big Bang contacted me I jumped on the opportunity to try some of theres. It’s always hard to tell exactly which flakes someone is using though, so I’m giving you a direct link and these are the 12A version
When I was swatching some Joy Lacquer last week I knew right away I had to try these over the bright cobalt blue, Joy Lacquer Joy. Mermaid Nails for the win. To make application a little easier over regular polish I used Superchic Lacquer G-Force Burnish Base Coat and it worked like a dream with these. Just look at all those flakes!
And since I just couldn’t use flakes without stamping.. Here is a mermaid image from UC 10-03 stamped with Painted Polish Stamped in Taro. This gives me all the feels. All of them. 😍
So, just incase I am not the last person on the planet to try these out, then you’ve got to get some and run with them! All the good links below. These retail for $5.99 (currently are marked down to $3.59) for the 0.2g dish. Which I think will last through a number of manis. Maybe a dozen or so? That’s a total uneducated guess. It would obviously depend on how light or how thick you pile the flakes on though. Anyone have an actual educated guess?
Oh and because I love ya’ll here’s a coupon code for ya…
Beauty Big Bang: Website ~ Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Twitter
Until next time, stay polished!