Chirality Nail Polish · Nail Polish Swatches · Uncategorized

Chirality Polish Stargaze ~ Indie Positivity Group Custom

Oh happy day! It’s Friday! Do you have big plans for the weekend? Well if you’re wondering I can be found in the mani cave on Saturday burried under a few dozen bottles of nail polish. I have swatching and nail art on tap for this weekend. Today I have the September group custom for Indie Positivity to show you all. What is Indie Positivity? Well, you may have noticed that the internet and facebook groups can sometimes get a little ugly. Taylor from Wildflower Lacquer wanted a place to share the love of indie polish without any of the negativity that can sometimes seep into other groups. Hence Indie Positivity was born. Now you have to be a member in order to purchase this polish, but honestly who wouldn’t want to be a part of such a positive place?

Chirality Polish Stargaze

Chirality Polish Stargaze
Chirality Polish Stargaze

Stargaze is described as a dark green polish with a golden sparkle and pops of green and blue. It was created with the positive, “look to the stars” vibe from the inspiration photo above. I love the inspiration photo; it’s like weight lifting just looking at it. 

Chirality Polish Stargaze

Stargaze has a really nice formula. Amanda has really created a near flawless formula that stays true from one polish to the next. This applied in smooth even strokes with a self leveling consistency that didn’t leave any flooded cuticles or polish pooled up at the edges. It dried in above average dry time and was ready for a second coat within roughly 60 seconds of applying the first coat. My swatches show 2 coats with glossy top coat. 

Chirality Polish Stargaze Chirality Polish Stargaze

You must be a member of Indie Positivity to purchase Stargaze. The information to purchase will only be shared within the group. Stargaze will retail for $10 and will be available September 4 – 30th.

In an effort to continue to spread the positivity, Amanda from Chirality Polish is also offering a discount code for 13% off orders over $20. 

For more infomation about Chirality Polish check out the links below.

Chirality Polish: Website ~ Etsy ~ Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Twitter

Until next time, stay polished!