Colors by Llarowe · Digital Dozen · Nail Art

The Digit-al Dozen does All that Glitters ~ Glitter Placement

It is Day 3 of ‘All That Glitters’ for the Digital Dozen. The Digital Dozen is a small group of highly skilled bloggers and nail artists who do 5 themed manis each month. I am seriously excited about todays mani. There is always a level of excitement when you have an idea in your head… Continue reading The Digit-al Dozen does All that Glitters ~ Glitter Placement

Kleancolor · Nail Art · Sinful Colors

Nail Art ~ Yellow and Blue #whencolorscollide

Hello lovelies! It’s time for another #whencolorscollide mani. This time the colors were yellow and blue. I, among many others, just cannot wear yellow. It makes me look dead. To my surprise not only did the mani turn out great, but it’s definitely a recent favorite! Let’s take a look… For the yellow and blue… Continue reading Nail Art ~ Yellow and Blue #whencolorscollide

Essie · Nail Art

#ClaireStelle8Sept ~ Nail Art Challenge

Happy day ladies (and men)! I have taken part in the ClaireStelle8 Challenge for quite a few months now. It seems to be the perfect nail art challenge for me. Between my swatching responsibilities and that pesky chronic illness that knocks me down every few days, I can usually finish this one without over committing. … Continue reading #ClaireStelle8Sept ~ Nail Art Challenge